Top 10 Reasons for a Business Valuation

business valuation charts

A business valuation is the process used to evaluate the economic value of the owner’s interest in their business. While many business owners only receive a valuation when absolutely needed, it can be very beneficial to be proactive with business valuations, especially when planning for the future. Here are the top 10 reasons for a…

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Coronavirus and Its Impact on Valuations and IPOs


The coronavirus outbreak has made a major impact on the stock market. Experts have pointed to fears that the market will remain struggling for some time, even after the virus is properly contained. So, how does this impact valuations and IPOs today, tomorrow, and even months from now? First and foremost, it is important to…

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Looking Past Financials to Gauge the Status of Your Business

KPI - Key performance indicator. Business process efficiency improvement.

From balance sheets to income statements and from cash flows to retained earnings, financial statements are essential to any entity. Evaluating financial activities means using these financial statements to unveil where a company is, how it compares to past successes, and possibly where it has the capacity to go in the future. As a business…

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9 Things to Consider Before Buying a Business

Buying a Business

Business owners come in all shapes and sizes. For some, building a company from the ground up is the essence of entrepreneurship. For others, however, the thrill of entrepreneurship comes from the ability to buy an existing business and grow (or save) the company. Generally speaking, the process of buying a business is a long,…

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A Deeper Look Inside the IPO Process


In 2018, the median IPO deal in the United States was $108 million. Globally, Hong Kong leads the ranks as the country with most company IPOs. Taking a company public is arguably one of the most challenging and laborious processes in the business world. Dependent upon the size of the company, the IPO process can…

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7 Critical Things to Know Before Seeking a Business Valuation

business valuation

An organization will conduct a business valuation for all kinds of reasons. In fact, many experts recommend doing an assessment of company’s value on an annual basis. The reality is that knowing the value of a business with regard to its actual worth, in relation to its market competition, and understanding its asset and income…

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Business Valuation in Divorce

business valuation in divorce

When a couple decides to get a divorce, there are a wide range of financial factors that will come into play while dividing marital assets. Equitable distribution refers to the division of assets and liabilities during the divorce process. All of these financial figures will be based on the fair market value at the time…

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19 Reasons You May Need a Forensic Accountant

Accounting, budget, price.

From finance to business to legal issues, the role of a forensic accountant stretches further than many people realize. Sure, the $360 billion hit the economy takes each year due to corporate fraud gets most of the attention, but the reality is that forensic accounting weaves its way into a plethora of situations. Forensic accountants…

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The Marriage of Business Planning & Business Valuation

business valuation

Business owners today are normally consumed with worries like budgets, bettering their product and/or service, and retaining a happy, productive staff. These worries often lay the foundation for how the company is able to run efficiently, no matter where a company is in its lifecycle. While the scale of these worries certainly varies in a…

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Biggest and Most Impactful IPOs of All-Time

IPO (Initial Public Offering)

An initial public offering (IPO) refers to the first sale of stock that a company issues to the public, officially taking them from a private company to a public company. In the current world of tech giants, IPOs have seen a notable transition. In the 1990s the dot-com era had IPOs running rampant, but the…

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